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Kam rieka tečie II/Where the river flows II
Búrka v púšti/Storm in the desert
Tam kam rieka tečie/Where the river flows
Svet za slnečnymi lúčmi/The world behind the sunshine
Rozprávka na dobrú noc/Fairy tale
Odtiene leta/The shades of summer
The shape of my heart
Randevú pri jazere/See you by the lake
Naháňanie motýľa/Chasing the butterfly
Cesty vášne/The roads of passion
Takto vidim dúhu v noci/This is how I see rainbow in the night
Falling leaves in the purple rain
V kruhu dôvery/In the circle of trust
Nežné dotyky III/Gentle touches III
Stratená v tebe/Lost in you
Keď ľalie kvitnú myslím na teba/When lillies are blooming I will think of you
Hravé momenty/Playful moments
Fialová cesta do neba/Purple road to heaven